Last Updated on 12 December, 2021
Warhammer 40k Space Marine PC Controls – All the default controls and all the combos – Combat Knife, Chainsword, Poweraxe and Thunderhammer
Space Marine PC Controls – Game Controls
These are all the default Game Controls for Warhammer 40k SM:
- Move forward: W (Up arrow)
- Move Backward: S (Down arrow)
- Strafe Left: A (Left Arrow)
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Evade & Jump Pack: Space Bar
- Fire: Mouse 1
- Reload & vent: R
- Aim:
- Aim Toggle: Mouse 3
- Zoom Cycle: Z
- Grenade: Q
- Strike: Mouse 2
- Stun & Alt Stike: F
- Fury Mode: T
- 1 Main Weapon: 1
- 2 Main Weapon: 2
- 3 Main Weapon: 3
- 4 Main Weapon: 4
- Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down
- Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up
- Multiplayer Scoreboard: Tab
- Use & Execute: E
Space Marine PC Controls – Combos
These are all the default Game Combos for Warhammer 40k SM – Combat Knife, Chainsword, Poweraxe and Thunderhammer
Combat Knife Combos
- Mouse 2: Slash x1: Light damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x2, light damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Heavy Stab x1: Single target, large damage
- F: Backhand: Interrupt, single target
- Mouse 2, F: Kick: Interrupt, narrow wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Shoulder Bash: Interrupt, wide wedge area attack
Chainsword combos
- Mouse 2: Slash x1: Light damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x2, light damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x3, medium damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x4, heavy damage and fury again
- F: Backhand: Interrupt, single target
- Mouse 2, F: Kick: Interrupt, narrow wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Shoulder Bash: Interrupt, wide wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Big Stomp: area of effect sphere
Poweraxe combos
- Mouse 2: Slash x1: Light damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x2, medium damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x3, medium damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Slash x4, heavy damage and fury again
- F: Backhand: Interrupt, single target
- Mouse 2, F: Kick: Interrupt, narrow wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Shoulder Bash: Interrupt, wide wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Overhead smash: area of effect sphere
Thunderhammer Combos
- Mouse 2: Swing x1: Heavy damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Swing x2, Heavy damage and fury again
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, Mouse 2: Swing x3: Heavy damage and fury again
- F: Hammer Bash: Interrupt, narrow wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, F: Stunning Swing: Interrupt, wide wedge area attack
- Mouse 2, Mouse 2, F: Thunder Smash: Ultimate AOE Mega Damage