Sophie's Universe2015 CALPart 4
Part 4 - Things started becoming much more challenging and interesting at the same time with each round that was done for this part. I had fun with it along with finding parts of it being a big difficult too. By now I have started seeing the mistakes I have made with my FPTR's and FPDC's. As I said in the previous post I had chosen to leave them as they were. With the mistakes I've had to improvise in places in order to get it to come out the way it should in the end. This has been a very good learning experience. I will also post the 2nd SU Part four and then we can see probably a comparison on what looks right and what doesn't. I also didn't block the first three rounds of Sophie's Universe when I should have and I think that also contributes to mistakes made that I didn't catch.
I want to mention that I had trouble trying to do the bpsc behind the crab stitch and ended up turning my work to the back and doing it as a fpsc from the back to get the same effect that the directions were looking for. It was just easier to do this from the back due to my tight crocheting as well as the crab stitch being a pain.
Stay tuned for photo's of the 2nd SU Part 4
Sophie's Universe 2015 CAL Part 4
Sophie's Universe 2015 CAL Part 4 Video