Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center

By Luphil

Alignment to the cardinal points of the year by celebrating equinoxes and solstices, is of great spiritual importance, to recollect our purpose, thereby recharge ourselves and move forward on the path. Summer solstice is the moment of entry of Sun into Cancer and it is good to inwardly prepare for this moment and orient the personality to the Soul.

Like in previous years, we met again at the Paracelsus Center of WTT near Einsiedeln. And we wanted to start with a fire ritual on the mountain ridge near the Etzel pass. The weather report had announced intense rain. When we approached, we saw heavy dark clouds hanging in the air and it was raining a bit. However, the weather map showed a little area without rain clouds approaching. We asked the devas to wait until after the fire ritual. When we arrived on the pass, the rain stopped. We were 6 persons having come from Austria, Germany and two parts of Switzerland – long-time friends.

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center

We walked to the fire place and started singing the mantrams of the fire ritual. And when the flames rose, there was the presence of an uplifting energy.

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Giving some wooden sticks into the fire
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center

As soon as the fire ritual ended, I packed the material and told the group to quickly prepare for leaving and that the time window was about to close. However they continued chatting – within 2-3 minutes, wind and rain set. We thanked the devas for having waited until the end of the fire ritual.

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center

It rained most of the day, partly with thunder and lightning – appropriate to the beginning of Cancer, a watery sign.

At the Paracelsus Center, we prepared the room for the celebration and did a solstice alignment contemplation. I then spoke about the energies of the time and the place.

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center

25 years ago, on 8 June 1999, there was the start of the Paracelsus Center. I blogged about the beginnings during the celebration of 20 years of Paracelsus Center. I hadn’t mentioned then that the center was started by the then Agni School (Agnischule), the group with which I was related until 2000 (It dissolved in 2005). I recently saw that the website of the Agni School, the very first website I had created, is still available in the Web Archives. There you see the information about Paracelsus and the Paracelsus Center. Beginning of the century, shortly before leaving the Agni school, I had also created the first website of the Paracelsus Center which is also still available in the web archive, though the colours inside are too dark.

Here are some pictures from the start of the Paracelsus Center I recently scanned. We had met with the members of the Agni School and some friends for planting two trees (which did not survive long…) and the start of renting the center. In December 1999, around the birthday of Paracelsus, there was the official inauguration of the Center with Master KPK (Sri Kumar) giving a seminar on Paracelsus in Einsiedeln, and all participants visiting the center – with much snow outside. Later, I think in 2003, the WTT-Global took over running the center.

Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Paracelsus plaque next to the ‘Devil’s Bridge’ near the center
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Plaque at the house of Paracelsus’ birthplace
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Rudolf, the teacher of the Agni School, digging the hole for planting the tree, with Jesus and Tiziana in the background
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
The group after the planting the trees
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
The room of the future Paracelsus Center in June 1999
Sommer Solstice Celebration and 25 Years of Paracelsus Center
25 years later: The group at the summer solstice meeting 2024

After a walk in nature, we continued in the afternoon with aligning to the energies of summer solstice and concluded with a Cancer full moon meditation. We were pleased to see that a month ago, on Vaisakh full moon, Guru Prasad and Ramana had visited the Paracelsus Center at the beginning of their European tour and had left some some words of thanks in the guest book. As an expression of our gratitude for being able to meet in this deeply spiritual place, we also wrote some words of thanks in the book.

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