Sometimes all you can do is feed the kittens....
Just before we head to bed, we hear the echoing mew of a kitten. It is pitiful and anxious, a mournful sound on a cold night. It reverberates through the hallway, as if to voice all the sadness and loss of the world.
My husband steps out into the cold hallway and there on the landing is one of the family of kittens that we had fed earlier in December. While we were away during Christmas break the mama cat found another place for her babies. This kitten wandered back to the first home she knew, and there, lost without her family, all she could do was cry.
He fixes some bread and milk and takes it to the stairwell. He comes back inside and asks me if we have a spare towel. We do, and with it he creates a bed of sorts in an upstairs area for this wandering kitten.
The kitten is pure black with yellow eyes and reminds me of the cats we had while growing up in Pakistan. There were several - favorite family pets through the years. Soon after the kitten is joined by her sibling, a golden/black mixture of fluff.
Sometimes all you can do is feed two kittens whose mother is nowhere in sight. Everything else is too big, too hard, too complicated. Everything else will take years for you to see results, but feeding kittens doesn't seem impossible. So many other things are so far outside of our capability.
We can't cure the cancer that is slowly taking the life of a friend's family member. We can't move the process of grant funders to get them to make a quicker decision about funding that we have requested. We can't finish building the hospital that sits, less than a mile from us, desperately needed but sitting unfinished because of lack of money. We can't change some of the societal values that hurt women. We can't heal the sick, bring sight to the blind, and restore the lame.
But we can feed kittens. And sometimes that is enough. At least for that kitten.
The cynic might scoff: "Don't be a white savior!" The realist might chide: "It's a bandaid on an ulcer!" The social justice warrior might shake their head in disbelief: "But what about the really important things?" The idealist might challenge: "Dream bigger!"
But for us, for today - it's our choice. And so we feed the kittens.