Fashion Magazine

Something Old and Something New – FABruary Style Challenge

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport
Something Old and Something New – FABruary Style Challenge

I’m wearing a 1980s vintage Picasso silk top with a skirt I made about 1 year ago. The shoes are from Clarks and are new, as are the bracelets (from BigW)

Many of us get stuck wearing the same garments together, over and over, in the same outfits, without ever thinking about mixing them with other items to create new outfits.

So today’s challenge is to get you to take something from your wardrobe that you’ve had for at least 5 years and put it with something that is less than 6 months old. Ideally, I want you to create a new outfit that you’ve never tried before. FABruary is all about getting out of your old habits and trying new things.

Today I made myself put together an outfit I’ve never tried before.  Normally I wear this Picasso top with jeans or slim pants, but today (it’s summer here and hot) I put it with a knit skirt that I made.  The new is in the jewelry and shoes.

What did you put together today?

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