
Something Inside So Strong...

Posted on the 12 March 2014 by Chrryblossomtat2
...(or maybe in my case, just stubborn and foolhardy)
sunny day with Maggie - '' - Allotment Blog
I was out again, yesterday, with Maggie at a much later and busy time (2pm), with workmen all about and many cars on the road. Oh and there appeared to be a startling amount of people in the car park at the allotments too. We walked up to 'that sign' and then in a haze of terror, we walked on a few 100s of metres to the community center. My goodness I was sweating profusely and in a not ladylike manner at all! I was so terrified I barely remember coming home. I think having a good smartphone with a camera and music saved me - it distracted me.
With me it's all push, push, push! And now I am exhausted, scared and slightly scarred. I think it shall be a while before I attempt it again.
sunny back garden - '' - Allotment Blog
What a glorious day it was! Sunshine and blue skies and washing hanging outdoors. I went out into the garden (after a shower and smelling pretty again) to take these photographs of our newest purchases, seedlings doing really well and potatoes chitting like there shall be no tomorrow :)

little greenhouse, tulips and red gooseberries - '' ~ An allotment blog

Our new pack-away garden house and the tulips doing really well (I love the way water sits in them). Plus 2 beautiful red gooseberry plants for 24a

broad beans and dahlias -  '' ~ An allotment blog

Broad Beans (Aquadulce Claudia), there are 5 beautiful shoots so far. Two new Dahlias - 'Bishop of Llandaff' and 'Mary Evelyn'

And lastly those spuds (we added a new one too)

3 different potatoes chitting -  '' ~ An allotment blog

(Left to right) Kestrel,  Saxon, Pentland Javelin 

Well my lovelies, that's all for now. I must go now and cut Maggie's hair - she will probably hate me for the rest of the day, or until she gets a few biscuits :)
Something inside so strong...
Something inside so strong...

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