Culture Magazine
Off topic, the speech Joyce Di Donato gave to the Juilliard School's 109th Commencement the other day is very inspiring, there are so many truths in there said with honesty and coming out a huge professional experience. Surprisingly, this can apply to any work field so that's why I thought of sharing.
Acknowledging some simple facts, then you will have the power to transform yourselves, to transform others, and, indeed, to transform the world.
You will never make it. That’s the bad news, but the “shift” I invite you to make is to see it as fabulous, outstanding news, for I don’t believe there is actually an “it”. “It” doesn’t exist for an Artist. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, right here, right now, in this single, solitary, monumental moment in your life– is to decide, without apology, to commit to the JOURNEY, and not to the outcome […]
The work will never end. […]what I have found is that when things become overwhelming – which they will, repeatedly ~ whether it’s via unexpected, rapid success or as heart-wrenching, devastating failure ~ the way back to your center is simply to RETURN TO THE WORK. Often times it will be the only thing that makes sense […].
It’s not about you. This can be a particularly hard, and humbling lesson to face – and it’s one I’ve had to continue to learn at every stage of my own journey – but this is a freeing and empowering truth. You may not yet realize it, but you haven’t signed up for a life of glory and adulation. The truth is, you have signed up for a life of service by going into the Arts […]
The world needs you. […] We need you to remind us what unbridled, unfiltered, childlike exuberance feels like, so we remember, without apology or disclaimer, to laugh, to play, to FLY and to stop taking EVERYTHING so damn seriously. We need you to remind us what empathy is by taking us deep into the hearts of those who are, God forbid, different than us – so that we can recapture the hope of not only living in peace with each other, but THRIVING together in a vibrant way where each of us grows in wonder and joy […]
The entire speech is here. Give it a try. I enjoyed it. And I'm very much looking forward to Joyce Di Donato's Maria Stuarda this Summer at the Royal Opera House.