A series of Michael Sandel's podcasts at BBC4.
At the Guardian, Benjamen Walker interviews Giles Fraser, Lesley Chamberlain, and Jennifer Ratner about Nietzsche's line that 'God is dead'. More recently, Walker spoke with Mark Kingwell, Mark Vernon, Julian Baggini, and Charlotte Higgins about Plato's just society.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Prof. Richard Dawkins and Sir Anthony Kenny discuss 'The Nature of Human Beings and the Question of their Ultimate Origin' (posted on an Oxford University site last Feb. 28). If the video doesn't play, click 'Get Video File' (just under the screen) and you'll get the QuickTime copy of the video.
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss 'the work and influence of the eighteenth-century philosopher Moses Mendelssohn.'
George Pattison reviews Eric Ziolkowski's The Literary Kierkegaard: 'A sub-theme of The Literary Kierkegaard is that of the humorous and even the comic Kierkegaard, as we meet him directly in the chapters on Aristophanes, Carlyle, and perhaps more indirectly in the discussion of the holy fools Parzival and Don Quixote.'
From the blurb for Elizabeth R. Napier's book Falling into Matter: Problems of Embodiment in English Fictions: 'Drawing on six works of early English fiction — Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Samuel Richardson's Clarissa, Henry Fielding's Tom Jones, Elizabeth Inchbald's A Simple Story, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Napier examines how authors grappled with technical and philosophical issues of the body, questioning its capacity for moral action, its relationship to individual freedom and dignity, and its role in the creation of art.'
Jim Holt: 'Is philosophy literature? ... I hope I have clinched my case for analytic philosophy as belles lettres.'
A review of Wittgenstein in Cambridge: Letters and Documents 1911-1951 (ed. Brian McGuinness).