Humor Magazine

Social Saturdays Volume Thirteen

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss


Social Saturdays is the feature where we find out what the Long Awkward Pause staff members are Tweeting, Facebooking, Instragraming, MySpacing, Ebaying, Snapchatting, or Emailing while you’re out living a real life and having a real job.

You’re probably following most of them and clicking like or fav or heart or whatever it is now anyway…and if you’re not, you should…but here is one handy dandy place to find a week’s worth of stupidity in one mighty scroll downwards.


blogdramedy bass

blogdramedy skimpy

blogdramedy country

Ned Hickson

ned cat

Katie Hoffman

katie nap

katie lol

katie pose

katie work out

katie mistake

List of X

list of x war on xmas

list of x resolutions

Jaclyn Ashley

jaclyn diesel

jaclyn eggs

jaclyn drinks

Joe Jewett

joe parking

joe long story

joe laverne

joe mr joe

joe perfume

joe lookalike

Jack DeVoss

jack lookalike

jack fitbit

jack cookies

jack cards

jack date 5 to 6

jack bisquick

jack star daddy

BD Final Author Box

Ned Final Author Box

Katie Final Author Box

Jaclyn Final Author Box

Joe Final Author Box

Jack Final author box


Facebook: Long Awkward Pause

Twitter: @LongAwkPause

Pinterest: Long Awkward Pause

Podcast: iTunes, PodOmatic, TuneIN, Stitcher

Email: [email protected]

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