Humor Magazine

Social Saturdays Volume 14

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Welcome to Social Saturdays! This is the feature where you get to find out what the Long Awkward Pause staff members are posting onto the screaming void of cat videos and Nicolas Cage memes that is the world wide interwoven web (while you’re out living a real life and having a real job).

You’re probably following most of them and clicking like or fav or heart or whatever on their comedy gold postings…and if you’re not, you should…

Here is one handy dandy place to find a week’s worth of stupidity in one leisurely scroll downwards. Enjoy!


Ned Hickson

ned meatballs

Katie Hoffman

katie jeans

katie pigs fly

katie netflix all day

List of X

list of x korea

list of x cruz birther

Jaclyn Ashley

jaclyn adele

jaclyn el nino

Joe Jewett

joe powerball

joe powerball a

joe powerball b

joe murderer


brainrants polyester


blogdramedy flux

blogdramedy mints

blogdramedy dressed

blogdramedy sticks

Jack DeVoss

jack tweets

jack reflexes

jack herbie

jack thanks winter

jack trump

jack psy bomb

Ned Final Author Box

Katie Final Author Box

Jaclyn Final Author Box

Joe Final Author Box

BrainRants author box new

BD Final Author Box

Jack Final author box


Facebook: Long Awkward Pause

Twitter: @LongAwkPause

Pinterest: Long Awkward Pause

Podcast: iTunes, PodOmatic, TuneIN, Stitcher

Email: [email protected]

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