Humor Magazine

Social Saturdays Volume 12

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Have no fear, because in between seeing Star Wars and setting up Grinch traps, our staff this holiday week has not forsaken the vast frozen tundra of the world wide interweb. Social Saturdays is the feature where we find out what the Long Awkward Pause staff members are Tweeting, Facebooking, Instragraming, MySpacing, Ebaying, Snapchatting, or Emailing while you’re out living a real life and having a real job.

You’re probably following most of them and clicking like or fav or heart or whatever it is now anyway…and if you’re not, you should…but here is one handy dandy place to find a week’s worth of stupidity in one mighty scroll downwards.

Katie Hoffman

katie so close

katie too late nice

katie gold rings

katie adulthood

katie presents trim

katie curly hair awesome

List of X

list of x star wars

list of x bombing


brainrants needs a moment

Jaclyn Ashley

jaclyn star booze

jaclyn women funny

jaclyn period

Ned Hickson

ned rudolph

Joe Jewett

Joe pastor bates

Gunmetal Geisha

gunmetal cold in la

gunmetal coffee or wine


blogdramedy betty

blogdramedy oldsmobile

Jack DeVoss

jack star wars feels

jack elf miracle

jack gold bond

jack eggnog thoughts

jack apple micro

jack vader log


Katie Final Author Box

BrainRants author box new

Jaclyn Final Author Box

Ned Final Author Box

Joe Final Author Box

GG final author box

BD Final Author Box

Jack Final author box


Facebook: Long Awkward Pause

Twitter: @LongAwkPause

Pinterest: Long Awkward Pause

Podcast: iTunes, PodOmatic, TuneIN, Stitcher

Email: [email protected]

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