Lifestyle Magazine

“Social Media Today +Social Media Echo Kammer”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

Zu sehr wird das mögliche Krebsrisiko in dieser Debatte in den Vordergrund gerückt. Unstrittig ist längst, dass die Behandlung von Agrarflächen mit Glyphosat jegliche Pflanzenwelt außer den Monsanto– resistenten Genzuchten vernichtet. Das hat sich dramatisch auf die Flora und Fauna ausgewirkt. Für Insekten wichtige Futterpflanzen sind großflächig verschwunden. Nicht nur die Monokulturäcker sind davon betroffen, sondern Wind und Regen verbreiten das Pflanzengift auch in die wenigen verblieben Öko- Nischen. Was nicht dem Straßen- und Siedlungsbau zum Opfer fällt, wird schließlich mit Unkrautvernichter zerstört.

In vielen Regionen Afrikas herrscht bittere Armut. Korruption, ethnische Konflikte und auch Überbevölkerung veranlassen viele Menschen, ihre Heimat zu verlassen. Anstatt diese Probleme zu lösen, wird die Motivation für eine Flucht aus der Perspektivlosigkeit durch irrwitzige Vorstellungen über das sorgenfreie und wohlhabende Leben in Europa von Schlepperorganisationen angeheizt. Die Werbeindustrie, deren surreale Darbietungen eher die Darstellung der Menschenschmuggler bestätigen, sendet ihre Botschaften inzwischen über das Internet bis in den letzten Winkel des Erdballs. Es bleibt nahezu aussichtlos, die Menschen davon überzeugen zu wollen, dass die Realität anders aussehen soll. Jedoch ist auch andere Realität immer noch deutlich attraktiver als das Dasein im Elend.

No one saw Meerkat coming, especially Twitter. Meerkat was using Twitter’s API to give users instant access to all their followers through the app (Twitter eventually shut down that feature). If you had a lot of Twitter followers, that made Meerkat instantly powerful. You could tell thousands of people that you were going live right now. It was instant gratification, on both sides.

Das gesamte Asyl- Konzept begünstigt die eigene Absurdität. Anstatt, dass beispielsweise Asylbewerber aktiv an der Feststellung der eigenen Identität mitwirken müssen, ist es Aufgabe der Behörden, die Identität von Asylbewerbern nachweisen zu müssen, um entsprechend negative oder positive Entscheidungen zu fällen. Asylbewerber erhalten bereits eine weitreichende staatliche Unterstützung, auch wenn Jahre später festgestellt wird, dass sie diese eigentlich nicht hätten beanspruchen dürfen. Dieses Konzept schafft falsche Anreize und verleitet gelegentlich bis häufig auch zum Asylmissbrauch. Kann man es den Leuten übelnehmen, wenn sie hier ein Dach über dem Kopf haben, Nahrung und gesundheitliche Versorgung erhalten, dies einzutauschen gegen ein mitteloses Leben in ihrer Heimat?

Digital marketing engagements are typically multifaceted, solving for specific digital marketing challenges while building ongoing client capabilities. In addition to defining new roles and responsibilities and helping develop employees’ skills, we address technology infrastructure issues and identify potential partners. We work with clients primarily in three core areas:

There is little difference between this ad — which, it should be noted, is a word rarely used here; it’s called “content” — and one you might see in a magazine. But thanks to the endless demographic and lifestyle information spun off by sites like Facebook, the Furby ad can be aimed at consumers who are likely buyers, or fans of the brand.

I’ve left this sitting in my email box, until having time to read it. Shame on me for losing three extra weeks! Most helpful information on the web, for this self taught (and still teaching) social media maven.

Thank you!

In a 2014 study of CEOs and CMOs, IBM found 63% wanted social strategies which generate business metrics while only 20% of businesses worldwide actually have them. This means strategies which not only grow your company’s social footprint but link to yo… more

Respect for the rules and standards of acceptable commercial behavior in social networks and the posting of marketing messages only when the forum or site has clearly indicated its willingness to receive them;

SoundCloud is the world’s most popular social network for sharing sounds. Most users share music they’ve made or podcasts they’ve recorded. In fact, if you’re looking for a new free music app, SoundCloud should be one to try out. While you won’t exactly get to listen to all the popular songs you hear on the radio or can listen to on Spotify, you’ll get to discover lots of covers and remixes that are often better than their original versions. Even so, many well-known popular artists use the platform, so you can follow your favorites to listen to what they’ve decided to promote on SoundCloud. You can also discover what’s trending, browse by genre, and create your own playlists with tracks that you love. More »

A study published in the Public Library of Science in 2013 revealed that the perception of Facebook being an important resource for social connection was diminished by the number of people found to have developed low self-esteem, and the more they used the network the lower their level of self-esteem.[129] A current controversial topic is whether or not social media addiction should be explicitly categorized as a psychological ailment.[130] Extended use of social media has led to increased Internet addiction, cyberbullying, sexting, sleep deprivation, and the decline of face-to-face interaction.[131] Several clinics in the UK classify social media addiction is a certifiable medical condition with one psychiatric consultant claiming that he treats as many as one hundred cases a year.[132] Lori Ann Wagner, a psychotherapist, argues that humans communicate best face to face with their five senses involved.[133] In addition, a study on social media done by PhD’s Hsuan-Ting Kim and Yonghwan Kim, suggests that social networking sites have begun to raise concern because of the expectations people seek to fulfill from these sites and the amount of time users are willing to invest.[134]

Creating clever content that is not promotional in nature, but instead educates and inspires, is tough but well worth the effort. Offering content that is relevant to your audience helps them see you as a valuable source of information. On top of that, resourceful content makes it less likely that they will tune you out.

Usability: Industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. For example, in the 1970s, to record a pop song, an aspiring singer would have to rent time in an expensive professional recording studio and hire an audio engineer. Conversely, most social media activities, such as posting a video of oneself singing a song require only modest reinterpretation of existing skills (assuming a person understands Web 2.0 technologies); in theory, anyone with access to the Internet can operate the means of social media production, and post digital pictures, videos or text online.

Abstract We are going about the way we measure the return on investment in social media completely backwards. Effective social media measurement should start by turning the traditional ROI approach on its head. That is, instead of emphasizing their own marketing

Research reports. Again, this is a high value content piece which is great for lead generation. Research reports and new data for your industry can also work for the awareness stage though, as they’re often picked-up by the media or industry press.

This is a local search- and discovery-based social media platform that enables you to find the ideal places (based on your location) to go to with friends and loved ones. It also gives appropriate search results for the best food outlets, night entertainment places and more in your area. The social networking feature is now available in a separate app named Swarm.

Erstaunlich: YouTube ist die zweitgrösste Suchmaschine. Unser Hirn verarbeitet Visuelles 60’000 Mal schneller als Text. Video ist skalierbar – orts- und zeitunabhängig. Firmen tun also gut darin, KnowHow im Bereich Video aufzubauen, zum Beispiel mit den 9 Tipps für bessere Videos von meiner Frau Judith Steiner (oder für Ambitionierte: mit einem firmeninternen Videokurs).

Improve ROI: There’s not a brand on social media that doesn’t want to increase its return on investment. But on social, this goal is specific to performing a thorough audit of your channels and ensuring cost of labor, advertisements and design stay on track.

In the race to become platforms with extra frills, the big exception is WhatsApp. Founder Jan Koum has said publicly that he has no plans for his service to start providing games. Koum and his co-founder Brian Acton, both former Yahoo managers who were one of the first to create a mobile messaging app for smartphones with WhatsApp, see it almost as a pure communication utility that should not be saddled with extra features that might slow things down. “That’s what’s happened with most social networks on the web now,” says Neeraj Arora, business manager for WhatsApp, which is based in Mountain View, California. “It tries to do everything for everyone. Our core is communication.”

However, with Periscope’s good looks, smart interface and heart system (a form of liking the video stream by tapping the screen to add floating hearts, which stood in for Meerkat’s broadcast leaderboard), Periscope immediately put Meerkat on notice. The app has since improved significantly and seems like a somewhat more integrated part of the Twitter universe. It’s also becoming a verb: “Are you “Periscoping” this?”

Later, Yo’s creators proved the app was much more than a joke when they opened it up to third-party developers who started connecting Yo to other services. Today, you can use Yo to turn on your lights, remember where you parked your car, or follow your favorite sports teams, publishers and Instagrammers. There’s also an Apple Watch app, perhaps one of the few apps that really makes sense to have on your wrist. Though the app wasn’t able to sustain its early virality, it proved that “dumb” apps can have brains, too.

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