Lifestyle Magazine

“Social Media Podcast +Soziale Social Media”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

This will allow you to showcase just how much you care about providing a memorable experience and will ensure that no customer inquiry goes unnoticed. And by monitoring social media for customer feedback and offering a response, you can drive real business results. Businesses that engage with customer service requests via social media earn 20-40 percent more revenue per customer, according to Bain and Company.

With social media monitoring you can gain key information about your competitors. This kind of intel will allow you to make strategic business decisions to stay ahead of them. For example, you can create search streams in Hootsuite to monitor industry keywords and mentions of your competitors’ names and products. Based on your search results, you can improve your business to offer product enhancements, service, or content that they may be missing.

„Die Frage „Was ist richtig für das Unternehmen?“ garantiert natürlich nicht, dass die richtige Entscheidung getroffen wird. Selbst die geistreichste Führungskraft ist menschlich und damit anfällig für Fehler und Vorurteile. Stellt man sie jedoch nicht, wird sich die Entscheidung höchstwahrscheinlich als falsch erweisen.“ (aus: Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive, S. 3)

Terri H. Chan, the author of “Facebook and its Effects on Users’ Empathic Social Skills and Life Satisfaction: A Double Edged Sword Effect”,[163] claims that the more time people spend on Facebook, the less satisfied they feel about their life. Self-presentational theory explains that people will consciously manage their self-image or identity related information in social contexts. According to Gina Chen, the author of Losing Face on Social Media: Threats to Positive Face Lead to an Indirect Effect on Retaliatory Aggression Through Negative Affect,[164] when people are not accepted or are criticized online they feel emotional pain. This may lead to some form of online retaliation such as online bullying.[165] Trudy Hui Hui Chua and Leanne Chang’s article, “Follow Me and Like My Beautiful Selfies: Singapore Teenage Girls’ Engagement in Self-Presentation and Peer Comparison on Social Media”[166] states that teenage girls manipulate their self-presentation on social media to achieve a sense of beauty that is projected by their peers. These authors also discovered that teenage girls compare themselves to their peers on social media and present themselves in certain ways in effort to earn regard and acceptance, which can actually lead to problems with self-confidence and self-satisfaction.[166]

When is your brand available to engage and interact with customers? You might see some recommending times to post late in the evening. But if your brand isn’t there to communicate, what’s the point of posting at the preferred time?

Rainie and Wellman have argued that media making now has become a participation work,[107] which changes communication systems. The center of power is shifted from only the media (as the gatekeeper) to the peripheral area, which may include government, organizations, and out to the edge, the individual.[108] These changes in communication systems raise empirical questions about trust to media effect. Prior empirical studies have shown that trust in information sources plays a major role in people’s decision making.[109] People’s attitudes more easily change when they hear messages from trustworthy sources. In the Reuters report, 27% of respondents agree that they worry about the accuracy of a story a blog.[72] However, 40% of them believe the stories on blogs are more balanced than traditional papers because they are provided with a range of opinions. Recent research has shown that in the new social media communication environment, the civil or uncivil nature of comments will bias people’s information processing even if the message is from a trustworthy source,[110] which bring the practical and ethical question about the responsibility of communicator in the social media environment.

If you find that your customers are scattered across a variety of networks, focus your efforts where they’re most active. Not sure? Ask. Otherwise, you may waste a lot of time skimming the surface of multiple networks with little results.

Twitter has changed dramatically over the years, and today it’s criticized a lot for going the way of looking and functioning almost exactly like Facebook. Besides Twitter Card integration, which now makes it easy to share all sorts of multimedia content in tweets, you can expect to see algorithmic timelines coming to Twitter as well. More »

SoundCloud is the world’s most popular social network for sharing sounds. Most users share music they’ve made or podcasts they’ve recorded. In fact, if you’re looking for a new free music app, SoundCloud should be one to try out. While you won’t exactly get to listen to all the popular songs you hear on the radio or can listen to on Spotify, you’ll get to discover lots of covers and remixes that are often better than their original versions. Even so, many well-known popular artists use the platform, so you can follow your favorites to listen to what they’ve decided to promote on SoundCloud. You can also discover what’s trending, browse by genre, and create your own playlists with tracks that you love. More »

Vero will sich außerdem durch seine Datensammel-Techniken von der Konkurrenz abheben. Da das Geschäftsmodell nicht auf Werbung und Werbeeinnahmen basiert, sammelt Vero eigenen Aussagen zufolge auch nur die Daten, die das Unternehmen für den Betrieb des Netzwerks tatsächlich braucht. Ob dazu tatsächlich die Handynummer zählt, wagen zahlreiche App-Nutzer in den Play-Store-Bewertungen allerdings zu bezweifeln.

It also allows you to see the account and privacy settings. All these settings can be easily seen on the homepage without having to switch between tabs. The best feature this application provides is the ability to separate personal and business pages  – which helps avoid any kind of accidental posting.

Social Media Marketing is unceasingly proving to be successful and it has given traditional advertising a run for its money — thanks to the advanced metrics in this domain that now help marketers understand their audience’s preferences and purchasing behavior a lot better.

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