As the top chart shows, the public strongly disapproves of the job the Republican-controlled Congress is doing -- with only 10% approving. That does not bode well for the Republicans next year, and it is why the GOP is counting on tax reform (tax cuts) to turn that around.
But if they want the public to approve of their plan, then most of the tax cuts need to go to the working and middle classes. If the rich and the corporations get the bulk of those cuts, the public is not going to like that at all (because they don't believe either of those groups need tax cuts).
And the second chart shows that. While the proposals so far have corporations and the rich getting the lion's share of the cuts, the public is giving the proposal only 28% approval -- while 41% disapprove and the other 31% are waiting to see what the plan really is.
The plan is supposed to be unveiled today, and I'm betting most of the cuts go to those who don't need them.
The top chart is from the Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between October 29th and 31st of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,291 registered voters), with a 3 point margin of error.
The bottom chart is from a Reuters / Ipsos Poll -- done between October 20th and 23rd of a random national sample of 1,862 people, with a 3 point margin of error.