The Lord is sending some strange weather to us these days. There's snow in the desert, and snow in summer. While supposed weather experts are still clinging to the global warming myth, for the first time in over 100 years, it snowed in Egypt.
"A powerful winter storm left Jerusalem covered in snow on Friday, forcing police to block access to and from the city as a cold snap drove some Israelis to seek treatment from emergency medics. Rare snow also fell in Cairo's suburbs and the port city of Alexandria while a blanket of white covered St. Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai. Some media reports say it was Cairo's first recorded snow in 112 years." (source)
This is a screen shot of Mr Heikal's twitter. The Sphinx covered in snow! Amazing!This article from the Washington Post explains,
"A powerful, slow-moving storm is producing historic snows in the Middle East – from Jerusalem to parts of Cairo. From all accounts, snow in Cairo is exceptionally rare – although historical records are difficult to attain. ... The Weather Channel notes even rain isn’t all that common in Cairo, which averages less than an inch a year. The storm has generated crippling amounts of snow in Jerusalem, stranding commuters, cutting power in areas, and closing schools and businesses. A foot to a foot and half of snow has fallen across the city. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat said the city was facing “a battle against a rare storm, the likes of which we have never seen.”

Two Palestinian women play with snow outside Al-Aqsa Mosque. source
in Jerusalem, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)

Vehicles are seen stranded in the snow in Jerusalem
on December 13, 2013. AFP PHOTO/AHMAD GHARABLI Source
On the other side of the earth, another unusual snow occurred as well. Unlike the Cairo snow, where the location of it was unusual, in Australia, it was the timing that was the issue. It is summer Down Under, but it snowed anyway! Australia News reports,
"Snow falling. In Australia. In summer. That is all"
Thredbo resort in new South Wales is now in the very unusual position of desperately needing its snow to melt. Thredbo has a huge mountain bike event this weekend but the course is currently snow-covered. Hopefully, forecast warmer temperatures will take care of things. ... This is just the beginning. The really cold air and the really heavy snow is due later in the day, but snow is already falling today across the high country of New South Wales and Victoria. And yes, it's December 5. The fifth day of summer. Your calendar is not wrong. Today's system is a little stronger than your typical out-of-season wintry blast, and snow accumulations could reach as much as 20 cm by tonight.
Praise the Lord from the earth,you great sea creatures and all deeps,fire and hail, snow and mist,stormy wind fulfilling his word!Psalm 148:7-8