Hello everyone. I hope all is well with you. I’m back today with another Slice of Life Post. This morning my oldest woke me by shaking my shoulder. “Mom. Mom. Did you hear the phone ring?” He could barely contain his excitement.

Of course, I was all groggy and had a hard time comprehending his question. “Whaaat?”
“Did you hear the phone ring?”
By the time he finished repeating the question, I understood what he was really asking. “Go check and see if there’s a message.”
He did that while I logged on to my computer and checked the website. Sure enough school had been cancelled. We had a Snow Day. The tension eased from my body as my oldest exclaimed. “Mom. You can work on your book all day!”

Photo credit: Len Radin via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-SA
He has mind-reading capabilities, I swear. I don’t think we ever outgrow the joy of snow days. As a kid, those magic words conjured up images of sledding parties and hours of baking cookies with friends. As an adult, I think of hours of unscheduled free time, where I can do whatever I want. What an awesome feeling that is.🙂
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, to wake up every day this way? Without deadlines and commitments? Maybe living on a tropical island where all I had to do is go down to the beach and read my book. The only irritants would be the gritty sand between my toes and maybe the slight annoyance of the sun in my eyes before I adjust my umbrella.

Photo credit: blavandmaster via VisualHunt.com / CC BY-NC-SA
I can almost feel the sun baking my skin while the waves lap the shore with that quiet rhythm only waves have. I smell the salty ocean air and hear the cries of the seagulls as they circle the beach searching for a forgotten morsel.
Yes. I can see myself retiring to an ocean-side cottage where my days could be spent lazily by the water. I’d write and paint to my heart’s content and when I wasn’t doing that I’d read. I’d read all the books that I don’t have time for now.

Photo credit: denisbin via VisualHunt.com / CC BY-ND
See what happens when I have a snow day? How about you. What do you do on your snow days? Leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you! Thanks to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting Slice of Life. If you’d like to read other Slice of Life Posts, click here.