But those things will take a hit next Friday (November 1st). That's because the $5 billion in extra funds, provided to help the growing number of people who find themselves needing food stamps because of the recession, will end this week. The need for those funds has not ended (as most Americans are still mired in the effects of that recession), but Congress is not likely to extend any of those funds.
In fact, the congressional Republicans want to cut even more from the SNAP Program, and the House has passed a bill that would cut food stamps by about $4 billion a year for the next 10 years. The Republicans don't seem to care that their cuts would increase hunger in this country, put many more Americans into poverty, and remove money from an already fragile economy (hurting businesses and costing jobs).
The Republicans don't care because their constituency is the rich -- the people who don't need food stamps. As long as they can prevent those rich people from paying more in taxes, the GOP really doesn't care what happens to hurting Americans. And they wouldn't mind more economic hurt in this country, because they'll try to blame that on the Democrats and use it in next year's elections (in spite of the fact that they will be the cause of an even poorer economy).
It is doubtful that the $40 billion in cuts over the next 10 years will be able to pass in the Senate (where cooler and more reasonable heads prevail), but there is probably no way to stop the $5 billion cut due to happen this Friday (since the GOP controls the House), and that's a shame because it will cause pain throughout the economy. We need to remember this when the 2014 election rolls around, and vote the GOP out of power. That's the only way a more sane and reasonable economic policy can be initiated in this country -- a policy that will benefit everyone, and not just the rich.