Destinations Magazine

Smorgasberg, Brooklyn

By Elizabethwix

Saturday was beautifully warm, so we headed to Brooklyn
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
where all the young people are as well as lots of food.
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
At Smorgasberg you can eat yourself silly in the open air. We had pizza and porchetta sandwiches.
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
The vendors were cheerful; the mini cheesecakes delicious.
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
These were so small that they couldn't possibly be fattening.
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
All sorts of other baked goods
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
then a teeny tiny exquisite  Moroccan pastilla from Nadia's Kitchen where I got to use my  few words of Arabic. 
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
Candy samples too....
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
and fish and Mexican food.
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
So after all that, nice to sit in the sun
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
and look at the river
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
and chat
Smorgasberg, Brooklyn
and wait for the ferry.

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