Here's a cheap deal and discount on the Smok RPM RBA. Get yours for just when using our code " vapingcheap". It's also available from another China based vendor for only with free worldwide shipping over $30.
What's great about the Smok RPM RBA is that it's easy to build on thanks to its simple two post building deck. Simply trap your coil leads under the screw, and clip off any excess coil lead. We will say that a simple round wire coil is ideal, and easier to install, but a larger coil such as a Fused Clapton can fit inside. You will want a space coil though rather than a contact coil.
Wicking is pretty easy as well since the wicking channels are quite large. In addition, just like the regular coils, it's a simple plug and play installation process once you're finished installing a coil into the Smok RPM RBA accessory. Lastly, the recommended lowest resistance for this vape accessory is 0.25 ohm.
If you enjoy your Smok RPM or Fetch Mini device, but rather use your own coils for it, then you won't wanna miss out on getting the Smok RPM RBA Coil for cheap. It'll definitely save you cash down the road, that's for sure.
Smok RPM RBA Coil Features:
- Compatible with Smok RPM40 & Fetch Mini Pod Devices
- Used Alongside RPM Pod Cartridge
- Minimum Resistance: 0.25 ohm
- 2 Post Deck
- Easy Wicking
- Plug and Play Installation