Food & Drink Magazine

Smarties Llama Edition Review

By Kev A @kevvieguy

Smarties Llama Edition Review

Nestle recently sent me some of the new Smarties Limited Edition, or rather "Llama Edition" to review (I know, jammy so and so etc), and I have to say I am very pleased that Llamas are now becoming the new Unicorns, at least with Nestle anyway. The unicorns have had their day and need to be put out to pasture thanks very much!

Smarties Llama Edition Review

Of course, with them being Llama themed they get their own colours...which are apparently pink, red, yellow and purple. I don't know who came up with the colour scheme but I guess it works. As well as that there's 4 different bag designs with different puns on, which Things like "No Probllama" and so on.

Smarties Llama Edition Review

The Smarties taste like any Smarties, sweet and delicious of course. It's a shame there's no orange ones in there and also that there isn't any new flavours, though I understand there's some difficulty producing flavoured ones due to costs and manufacturing processes etc.

All in all, these are a lot of fun even though they may be as much of a gimmick as last years Unicorn themed Smarties. But at least they're not a Unicorn gimmick! In that respect Nestle are ahead of the curve. It's dying, we need a new fresher model to take their place. And I'm happy with the raft of mermaids, llamas, narwahls etc that seem to be creeping in to do so... I just hope they don't become "in addition to"!

Now Nestle, if you can please bring back the White Chocolate Smarties from many years ago, I'd be eternally grateful and will buy them buy the bucketful (which is more eco-friendly I might add ;))

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