Although the concept of smart homes has not become entirely mainstream yet, there are certain high-tech features that even regular households have been using for a long time now. Since these appliances are sold at relatively cheap rates, they are popular amongst many homeowners (even those who are not much in favour of home automation systems). As such, there are plenty of us who have been using the staple components of home automation without even realising it. But now the question is, what are those appliances? Well, they are quite simple to look at in the first place, nothing overly sophisticated or complex. Let's have a look at them in detail:
Nowadays, plenty of homeowners utilise smart lights that can be controlled from one device. By clicking one or two buttons, all the lights within the house may be switched off, turned on or even dimmed. There are also motion sensing options that activate themselves whenever someone enters the room.

Modern thermostats have transcended the usual temperature lowering and raising features of their predecessors. They come in variants that can be regulated right from one's smart phone or computer. Some of them are even capable of learning their owner's habits - they would reduce or increase the temperature at specific hours, turn off automatically when the person is not at home, and so on.

Shade control is another evolutionary invention that is being embraced by many homeowners in Melbourne. It allows to lower and raise window shades by pressing a single button. In addition to that, the shades can also be set to go up or come down with the help of a timer. Such features are really useful when it comes to saving energy or making the house look occupied during the owner's absence.

These are uber-modern replacements for the traditional locks, and eliminate the need for carrying keys. They offer a high level of security and can even record attempts of intrusion when the owner is absent. Countless homes in Melbourne have already benefitted from keyless entry systems.

Automated alarm systems are quickly gaining popularity among homeowners these days. From alerting the owner about attempts of break-in to simply waking him or her up in the morning, these high-end devices can fulfill a wide range of purposes.

With the existence of all these devices around us, the day is not far when we would living in a full-fledged automated society, where everything will be controlled with a few clicks.