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Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

By Simplyfutb01 @simplyjuan11

If you love your bike, you should think about having bike storage ideas that are secure and effective. In this article we will show you how to make unique and smart bike storage.

The main function of bike storage is to make your bike safe when not in use. You must have a holder or locker for your bike in order it doesn’t fall or be taken by thieves. Besides that, you must have good bike storage so that your home always looks neat even with some parking bikes.

There are several categories of bike storage that you can use in your home including floor storage, hanging storage, vertical wall storage, horizontal wall storage, and so on. Each storage has advantages and disadvantages.

Here we will describe bike storage options that you can use in your home:

Bike Wooden Storage

This storage is made of wood and it is a floor storage category. This storage is very unique. You can make it by yourself or you can ask the carpenter to do your design.

You can make wooden bike storage of a block of trees. Then try to make a few tire stands in the block which fits the size of your bike tire. If you have a long block, this storage can hold several bikes.

Wooden bike storage is easy to make because you don’t need to install certain tools. In addition, you will easily move this storage. Unfortunately, this type of storage typically takes up a lot of space in your home and it’s not most stable for some types of bikes.

Bike Storage on the Wall

You can make several types of bike storage on the wall. You can park your bike horizontally or vertically.

First, you can use a horizontal bike rack. This type of bike storage is quite unique and effective. You don’t need a lot of space with this type of storage, but it could take a lot of wall space.

Some bike racks offer two levels so that they can hold two bikes. With this storage, you can save space in your home and also make your bike safe.

Secondly, you can use a vertical bike rack. The easiest way to have this storage is to install a hook on the wall. Then you can park your bike vertically. This method is very effective because you will easily access it and friendly space in your home. Another advantage is that this type of storage is mostly suitable for all bikes.

Bike Storage Under the Stairs

Creating a bike storage under the stair is probably the most unique bike storage in this article. To have this type of storage, of course, you must have a stairs in your house and install a hook under it to hold the bike.

This type of bike storage is very unique and smart. The space under the stairs is usually not utilized properly. But in the right hand, you can use the space to park your bike.

One disadvantage of this type of bike storage is difficult to access. The kids may not be able to use this type of storage. So this storage is only suitable for adults.

Bike Storage with Large Cabinet

Cabinet is the most popular storage in the world. Usually the cabinet is only used to store some small items such as clothes. But you can also make it for bike storage.

The cabinet is effective to secure your bike. On the other hand, a bike storage cabinet can also be a unique decoration for your home.

Bike Storage in Small Garage

You can make a small garage to store your bike. This method can be applied outside your home. You can make a kind of large box with drawers so you can easily take your bike when you need it.

Here we will give some examples bike storage ideas:

Wooden storage for parking your bike in garage

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Wooden block of tree also can be amazing bike storage idea

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Modern bike storage idea in living room!

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Wooden furniture especially for bike storage

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Marvelous bike storage on the wall can saves space and make your garage look pretty

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Unique furniture for bike storage on the wall

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Bike shelves with two level for small garage

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Hanging your bike above garage is briliant idea!

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Save a place by placing a bicycle under the stairs

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Saving a bike by hanging it on the wall is a popular way to do it

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Put your bike collection in large cabinets

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Small garage is extraordinary for saving your bikes

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

You can also make bikes garage from metal design

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Or a modern style for bikes garage idea!

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

Futuristic fashioned of bikes storage idea with a capsule design!

Smart and Unique Bike Storage Ideas

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