Books Magazine

Small Things Like These by @CKeeganFiction

By Pamelascott

It is 1985, in an Irish town. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Bill Furlong, a coal and timber merchant, faces into his busiest season. As he does the rounds, he feels the past rising up to meet him - and encounters the complicit silences of a people controlled by the Church.


In October there were yellow trees. 1


(@FaberBooks, 19 October 2021, 128 pages, bought from @AmazonKindle)



I've enjoyed other works by the author and this has been on my TBR list for a while. I had to treat myself when Amazon recently offered wish list credit. Like the other pieces I've read, this is a very short book but packs a punch, nevertheless, more than books twice the length. The book is set around Ireland, the author's home turf and explores the notorious Magdalene laundries. It's a hard book to read at times but well written and hugely enjoyable. I'd recommend this.

Small Things Like These @CKeeganFiction

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