As you can probably guess from my recent sporadic postings, I haven’t been in my usual schedule. Two weeks ago I was in Philly for my nephew’s sixth birthday and up until Tuesday I was on a stay-cation at home. It was hard to tear myself away from sleeping and reading to post or even read other blogs. Seriously, my bloglovin’ feed is at an obscene number right now.
While watching my nephew play with his friends and talk to his mother and occasionally get pouty and cry, I realized that I really don’t want to be a mother. This is something I’ve been saying since I was 16, but it rings even more true for me now. I like kids, and I sure do love my nephew (and young cousins). But I don’t think it’s in me to be a mother. Part of it may be selfishness or part of it may be fear of screwing up a kid and creating a serial killer or worse, a future cast member of Jersey Shore 2045: Jersey Shore on The Moon. As long as I’m being honest, watching my cousin die a few years at age 10 was so painful that I can’t even imagine being a mother and going through that. This shit is way too personal for a Thursday morning, right?
I also realized that my parents officially love the cats more than me. While I was away, Calliope got scared and ran up into a tree. My parents went into the attic, got our 10-foot ladder and my pops climbed up to rescue my poor kitty cat. Nevermind that she probably would have come down on her own eventually. That’s real love, man.
oh, and my laptop power cord caught on fire! That was less exciting than it sounds. Guess that’s what happens when your computer is nearly 8 years old, huh?
Here’s what I’ve worn since I’ve been back at work. I really like the color combo in the first outfit. My shirt in the second outfit is from Gilt, the online shopping site. I have to say, their shipping and customer service is really, really awesome. I’m a big fan!

Outfit 1
shirt- Calvin Klein
skirt- H&M
jewelry- old/vintage
Outfit 2
shirt- Nanette Lepore from Gilt
skirt- Filene’s Basement
shoes- Aldo