Destinations Magazine

Slow Design: A Bedroom A Year In The Making

By Francoisetmoi

If you follow on Instagram, then you know I don’t share a lot about our bedroom. The truth is, until recently I haven’t been able to figure out how to pull things together in here.  This room has hung out half done for months, and it wasn’t until just recently that they started to fall into place. Sometimes l feel like I’m so immersed in my own home that I can’t see it objectively–do you ever feel this way? Let’s talk about the bones of the space. The footprint is tiny (13′ x 10′)–gotta love 1930’s homes! The carpet has to stay (ugh) as the previous owner laid asbestos tile OVER the beautiful hardwoods making them toxic to remove. Especially since our home is a duplex, legally as the owner, we can’t make changes that could have negative health impacts for our tenant upstairs, nor would we want to (horrible flooring, no matter!). Also, there are two closets in this room, which is great and pretty unusual for this era home, but in a small room, 3 doorways + a double window really tends to shake things up in terms of bed/furniture placement. Last June, I scored this metal bedframe […]

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