Celeb Magazine

Slimmy Trimmy Files: Tamar Says Vince Has More ‘Energy’ After Dropping 100 Pounds

Posted on the 17 March 2017 by Sumithardia

Tamar Talks Vince’s Weight Loss
Tamar is speaking on her hubby’s dramatic weight loss and the perks it’s having on her marriage. If you’ve been paying attention to Tamar’s IG then you’ve no doubt noticed that Vincent Herbert’s been shrinking these past few months.

Now Tamar’s speaking on Vince’s slimmy-trimmy new bod and revealing that while she’s happy he’s healthy, she likes him with meat on his bones.
“I like a little ‘thickems.’ I like the oohoo!” Tamar told PEOPLE while making the signature Pillsbury Doughboy noise. “I like that. I’m very happy only because he’s much healthier and I want him around forever, but, you know, I like a little meat on my man’s bones.”
She also all but confirmed that Vince underwent weight loss surgery for his transformation and she was there to help him recover…
“I had to be very supportive of him, ” said Tamar, “he had a couple of surgeries — not like really cosmetic surgeries, but like medical surgeries to help him to lose weight because he had medical problems due to the weight.”
and added that he’s got “lots of energy.” (Insert eyebrow wiggle here)
Tamar and Vince also appeared on Wendy this weeka and his super slim-down was hard to miss.

Vince looks great, it’s good to see him putting his health first.

What do YOU think about Vincent Herbert’s weight loss???
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Source: bossip.com

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