Family Magazine

Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy

By Umkhaloodie

Was reading this Article”Women who experience sleep apnea during pregnancy may face an increased of risk of health problems, for both themselves and their newborns, a new study suggests.”

El7umdella, I slept pretty well through both my pregnancies but I did have the weeks were I just couldn’t sleep or when I did I tossed and turned. Some people do experience sleep apnea throughout their entire pregnancy and now it seems, according to research, it may harm baby.

I always found that even one cup of tea or coffee kept me and baby awake. If I slept, I didnt sleep comfortably. I always opted for ovaltine at night, gross, yes but it helped me and bump sleep. So word of advise: be careful what one drinks before bedtime. Bump might not like it!

I was never diagnosed with sleep apnea but being overweight in both pregnancies may not have helped. When I was coming round from my first C Section I was asked by the surgeon if I suffered from sleep apnea… Interesting. The article has made me question now whether in fact I do suffer from sleep apnea.
El7umdella since I lost 35 kilo I am definitely sleeping much better but who knows.

Check out the link above to read more.

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