Then he turns up dead, in the woods near Oxford.
Attorney General Dominic Grieve is expected to rule out an inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly.
Conspiracy theories still surround the circumstances of David Kelly's death
A dossier of evidence has been considered by Mr Grieve, as conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the circumstances surrounding the scientist's death.
The Hutton Inquiry in 2004 found that Dr Kelly had committed suicide, and then-justice secretary Lord Falconer ruled the inquiry could take the place of an inquest in the coroner's court.
But a group of doctors claim Lord Hutton spent only half a day of the 24-day inquiry considering the cause of Dr Kelly's death - and have pledged to seek a judicial review if Mr Grieve does decide no inquest is needed. [source SKY NEWS]
So, that's that then - nothing will ever get in the way of whatever cunning 'democratic' move on the global chess board The Invasion of Iraq facilitated.