Gardening Magazine

Skullduggery Lane

By Kate_miller

 I just spent 18 bars of gold on this man-eating plant.
Yeah, yeah, it sounds like a lot ~ especially with today's gold prices. But, hey! You can't take it with ya. Plus, it's snowing outside. So, what's a gardening gal s'posed to do?
Skullduggery Lane
It being almost Halloween and all (my favorite time of year) I thought I'd give you a tour of my Haunted Mansion.
I've always wanted to own a haunted mansion. Would never get up the nerve to walk in there, if I did own one, you never know what could happen... But, it sure would be a cool thing to brag up at a cocktail party.
This one is free. Like I'm gonna pass that up.
Skullduggery Lane These spooky eyes guard the joint once the ghouls come out to play.
Do you play computer games? I hardly ever ask people if they do because I never know when I'll bump into some smug gal who scowls and rolls her eyes... because she feels it's a waste of time.
IMHO they're loads more fun than trying to find something entertaining to watch on tv. And, now that it's autumn, the nights are so long... gotta find something to keep my brain occupied.
Skullduggery Lane
This is my Mermaid! I paid a bundle for her, too! By 'paid' I mean you play the hidden object game, you earn fake money and spend it on all kinds of really important stuff ~ to decorate your virtual mansion. Like this mermaid in a bottle. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't want a mermaid in her garden?
Skullduggery LaneI earn money in my carnival where cute skeletons give away kisses.
So, some people look down upon computer games. But, I gotta say, I'm just loving this one because I get to spend all of my money on gardens.
Skullduggery Lane
I get to lay stone paths, plant tulips and roses, (that's a Blood Mushroom, in case you're wondering.) I get to build park benches where my skeletons can sit a spell.

Skullduggery Lane

I live here. And, yes, that's Frankendude coming to call.

It's called Dark Manor (and, no, they did not ask me to promote this.) I found it all by lonesome and I am having a ball!
* If you're bored tonight, check it out. If you can, find me, friend me @ Skullduggery Lane. I'll send you a poisonous plant! :)
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