Food & Drink Magazine

Skillet Banana Cake

By Ally @allykitchen
skillet banana cake

Bananas! Most everyone loves bananas. And, while they can go 'bad' fast, if you're a smart cookie, you won't throw out. You'll cook with them or freeze them (for smoothies). Now, this skillet banana cake is perfect for bananas sitting on your kitchen counter that are looking a tad bit puny. And, as the rogue baker, I'm making it easy for you to make with just a few steps!

The Story Behind this Cake

Going through the 2020 Covid19 Pandemic has played havoc on the world as we know it. And, it's prolifically affected each and everyone's life. I mean I've lived six decades and never seen annneething like this. However, we have to look on the bright side and know that so much good comes from adversity. One of the things really positive, I think, is that many people have discovered cooking and their kitchens! And, that's how this cake was born. Since I couldn't find flour, any kind whatsoever, and we wanted a cake, I turned to the next best thing. A cake mix.

Actually, cake mixes are great for rogue bakers or creating something really fast. There's no shame, my friends in using them. And, when you ramp them up with taste and value like this recipe, then you've got a win win. Great cake. That actually tastes totally homemade!

Health Benefits of Bananas

It's always great to know that we're getting more nutritional value from our ingredients. And, not only do bananas give us that but the walnuts in this cake also are quite healthy. But, back to bananas. According to Healthline, here're some of the good things about bananas:

  • Bananas are a good dietary source of potassium and magnesium - two nutrients that are essential for heart health.
  • Bananas can help moderate blood sugar levels after meals and may reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.
  • Bananas may aid weight loss because they're low in calories and high in nutrients and fiber.
  • Bananas are high in several antioxidants, which may help reduce damage from free radicals and lower your risk of some diseases.
  • Depending on ripeness, bananas harbor high amounts of resistant starch or pectin. Both may reduce appetite and help keep you full.
  • Unripe bananas are a good source of resistant starch, which may improve insulin sensitivity. However, more research is needed.
  • Eating a banana several times a week may reduce your risk of kidney disease by up to 50%.
  • Bananas may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise. They also provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise.
  • Bananas make an excellent snack food, dessert or breakfast. Their versatility makes them easy to add to your diet.
weekend coconut oatmeal pecan southern cake

skillet banana cake


  • Preheat oven to 375
  • 1 boxed cake mix, white or vanilla
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ½ cup oil
  • 8 oz. mascarpone, room temperature
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas, small to medium, mashed
  • 1 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 cup golden raisins
  • 3-4 Tbl. powdered sugar for dusting/garnish
  • 2 Tbl. honey, optional
  • skillet banana cake



Skillet Banana Cakeskillet banana cake

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