I’m late this week as I have been at my Embrodierers Guild meeting so photos had to wait until I got home, and then I had to wait for another heavy rain shower to pass. All of which meant that the plants were a little weather beaten and I was a little soggy by the time I had my six photos.
I’m starting with this peony, which I think is Bowl of Beauty. I was so excited when I spotted the flowers opening this afternoon. Its been in bud for weeks and just sat there and I convinced myself it was another red peony as the buds were quite dark. I have a number of the big red peonies but a few years back I invested in a couple of none-red ones as I do like a peony. However, I suspect I planted them too deeply as there were no flowers. This peony was relocated last year I think and I was careful not to bury it too far down and I am sure this is why I have been rewarded with flowers.

This is the the Big Border from the middle path. The Geraniums have gone mad over the last week and I finally have that overflowing look I was hoping for. I added a few lilies last week to add a bit of glamour.

Back to the plants here is my largest Allium, possibly Purple Sensation. I love the metallic look of the flowers, they remind me of some sort of lighting installation.

The Allium also gives a useful size context to the Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ which is swamping the area behind the bench. I left the bench in the photo for size reference and to shame myself into painting it. I think the Hosta is finally the right plant for this spot as I have been looking for something which would have enough presence to fill the space and be seen behind the bench but not a tall plant which would over shadow the bench.

Finally, a not particularly briliant photo of my white Ensata Iris, which is slowly increasing year on year and makes me very happy.
For more Six on Saturday posts from around the horticultural world check out The Propagator’s Blog