Books Magazine

Sins of the Father by @arwisebooks

By Pamelascott

Lincoln Pierce has enjoyed a certain amount of fame from his previous case, but the attention isn't entirely good. The killer Lincoln unmasked has been linked to other murders in the Denver area, but a call from a mysterious detective puts that into question. Bentley convinces Lincoln to look into the case, but they have to question who's pulling the strings.

Darcy is working on a missing person's case while also trying to overcome the rigors of chemotherapy. As she gets closer to finding the missing girl, she uncovers a terrible secret that will put her family in danger and change everything she thought she knew about the case.


What'll you be remembered for? Without me, nothing. JOHNNY BOY


(Independently Published, 1 July 2015, ebook, 314 pages, bought from @AmazonKindle)



I enjoyed this a lot more than the last book I read by the author recently. Sins of the Father is up there among the best thrillers I've read. I had a great time reading it. Lincoln is a great character, flawed, dysfunctional, messy and a bit of a fuck-up but one you can't help have a soft spot for. I enjoyed the fact the chapters bounce between Lincoln's investigation and the POV of Johnny Boy, one of the killers Lincoln is unwittingly going up against. This added a lot of tension. Even thou8gh I knew Johnny Boy and his 'family' were the killers I still didn't know where the story was going to lead.

Sins Father @arwisebooks

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