Yesterday I heard that there’s a remake of Total Recall in the works. It will undoubtedly suck as most remakes these days do suck. Which got me thinking, which is the best remake I’ve seen? Hands down, it’s got to be The Thomas Crown Affair. Which features the amazing Nina Simone song “Sinnerman.” Which also has been remixed (in various and sucky incarnations).
Like I said in my last post, I’m way behind on my outfit pictures- and please excuse the messy background. I hate cleaning I was running late. This outfit is from Monday. And it’s Friday (yay Friday!). Oh, and it’s Friday the 13th. The Friday the 13th movies aren’t really that good, but any excuse to watch a horror movie, right?

sweater- Anthropologie
tank top- American Apparel
skirt- H&M
Boots- Steve Madden