Just what the single man or woman needs the day after Valentine’s Day—Singles Awareness Day. For weeks now you have been only too aware of your single state and have been counting each day until you could forget about it for another 364 days or you find that right person to celebrate the 14th with next year, whatever comes first.
But no, someone had to come up with Singles Awareness Day which is meant to declare to the world that there is nothing wrong with being single, and that there are in fact, many advantages to the solo life. That Shakespearean quote comes to mind, “Me thinks the Lady (or man) doth protest too much.”
Indeed why do singles have to proclaim this, especially if they don’t really buy into it? To let folks know they are not desperate, undesirable, looking too hard, and/or somehow not fit for coupledom? It seems that if you feel the need to explain, it is because you are feeling defensive, and really, why should you be defensive? Because you haven’t yet found someone you want to commit to, because you enjoy your life as it is and/or are open to the possibility of relationship but not to the idea of forcing it?
The vast majority of us have a solid, happy relationship in our list of long-term goals. It’s NATURAL to desire a partner, friend, confident and lover to go through life with. Other non-human mammals do as well. Isn’t life more fun when you can share it with someone special? It’s the “someone special” part that can be hard to find—and many folks just aren’t willing to settle just to be coupled. Those that do often burn out quickly and find themselves back in the land of the single. Isn’t it more mature, wiser, and a happier experience to get it right the first and only time?
So if you are single today, you don’t need a greater awareness of it. Just go ahead and embrace the life you have, the choices you have made so far—and imagine the possibilities for relationship happiness that could be just around the corner. Get in touch with your inner happy person, this is the one who will help you find and attract that love you seek.