
Sims 4 Free Real State Cheat

Posted on the 22 June 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 22 June, 2022

Sims 4 Free Real State Cheat – PC, Xbox & PlayStation – We show you the cheat with which to buy all the houses you want totally free

With the cheat that we are going to teach you, you will be able to buy any house or real estate totally free, regardless of the money you have, so you will be able to get the one you like the most

Sims 4 Free Real State Cheat – PC

These are the steps to unlock all the Real Estate and Hoses Free with cheats if you play from a PC

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + C
  2. Type in testingcheats true and pres Enter
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + C again
  4. Type in freerealestate on and press enter
  5. If you want to stop using the free house cheat put freerealestate off

Sims 4 Free Real State Cheat – Xbox

These are the steps to unlock all the Real Estate and Hoses Free with cheats if you play from a Xbox

  1. Press R1R2L1, and L2 buttons on your controller simultaneously
  2. Type in testingcheats true
  3. Press R1R2L1, and L2 buttons on your controller simultaneously again
  4. Type in bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement and press enter
  5. If you want to stop using the free house cheat put freerealestate off

Sims 4 Free Real State Cheat – PS4 & PS5

These are the steps to unlock all the Real Estate and Hoses Free with cheats if you play from a PS4 or PS5

  1. Press RBRTLB, and LT buttons on your controller simultaneously
  2. Type in testingcheats true
  3. Press RBRTLB, and LT buttons on your controller simultaneously again
  4. Type in bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement and press enter
  5. If you want to stop using the free house cheat put freerealestate off

Can I Get Banned?

No, you won’t get banned, the use of cheats is allowed, anyone can use them and anyone can find them online. So don’t worry. Of course, we warn you that if you use the cheats in excess you can damage your experience in the game. The difficulty of getting things is part of the appeal, and with the use of cheats everything becomes too easy and you can get bored. So we recommend you get specific things and disable cheats

The house of your dreams is one of the things in the game that requires saving the most, as it happens in real life. So we wanted to show you this cheat because although to a certain extent farming money is an important part of the game, sometimes it takes too long to acquire the house you like the most and it can end up discouraging you. Now you can get it for free. But we recommend you get it and stop using the cheats

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