Fashion Magazine

Simple Ways to Elevate Your Writing.

By Winyeemichelle
Simple ways to elevate your writing. articlesBlogging with Daisybee

Simple ways to elevate your writing.

Simple ways to elevate your writing.

A few tips to really boost your writing, whether for a blog, yourself or elsewhere.
Eight years into writing this blog and I’m yet to give up on sharing small mundanes and non-neccessities online. I can go for weeks beating myself up about my photography style or quality and even berate myself for slipping on the social media radar but the one thing I simply adore and will always adore, is the writing part of things. I love penning posts full of character and wit and personality and being able to transport readers - you guys - into my little psuedo-reality.
I'm often asked how I manage to continue writing Daisybutter with such life and energy and I suppose it's easy for me. This is the one thing I can do and I very rarely struggle to get words out on paper. And so today I thought I'd pen some tips for you...

Write in conversation

With blogs and mainstream media beginning to seamlessly blend into one, it’s easy to slip into an impersonal tone of voice and almost lose your personality for want of an expected, polished piece of copy. Bring your words back to basics and write as though you were catching up with a friend over a coffee or a mojito. I find it relatively straightforward to do this as I spend so much of my day creating copy for my clients that it’s almost refreshing to slip back into being ‘me’ on here.
If you don’t want to completely take your foot off the gas, try challenging yourself to write 100 words a day, just as you’d like to, until you’re more comfortable with your writing.

Pen the blog you’d read

It’s a sentiment often thrown around but do pen the blog that you would personally read. I find it’s always when I sit and read my peers’ blogs that I contemplate upping the game on my own work, so seize the opportunity and make a mental note of what exactly it is you like about reading blogs. Is it a friendly tone, made to feel like you’re sat in front of the blogger with a cuppa? Is it an advice-driven tone? Or is it something a little more whimsical and aspirational?

Introduce magic

So often when it comes to sharing content online, we second-guess ourselves and attempt to share wholly polished posts and ‘features’, that we lose the very essence of blogging; sharing our realities. Blogs began as a way to express things that were left out of traditional media, to give everybody a voice, so embrace that and make sure that you keep your magic. There’s a time and place for oh so proper writing, and Daisybutter is certainly not that ;)

Read anew and edit with fresh eyes

Given the chance, proof-read your posts, your writing, your work after you;ve had enough time to read it anew. That is, give it an evening or so before you sit back down to read and edit your post before it goes live. Often you’ll spot everyday mistakes or figure out where to change your tone of voice to communicate a different emotion or realize where your sentences begin to run a little long or lessen its pace.
Happy writing!

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