Family Magazine

Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Diaper Rash

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Diaper Rash

Today I wanted to share with you some great tips from Brenda Panin, she loves writing and helping parents with topics that are useful. I remember during the first week that my daughter was home from the hospital, no body warned me about the frequent feedings and constant diaper changes. If you plan on breastfeeding, I will warn you that they have frequent bowel movements during those first few weeks. It is important to stay on top of diaper changes.

Diaper rash or nappy rash isn’t always something that people warn you about when you are expecting a baby. However, it’s more common than you think – especially among babies who have sensitive skin. Preventing diaper rash doesn’t have be a challenging task, and with the right knowledge-how you will be able to try and prevent the problem from happening in the first place. This articles outlines how to prevent nappy rash, with tips on what to do to stop the condition from developing.

Change our Baby’s Diaper Regularly

One of the best ways to prevent nappy rash is to change your baby’s nappies on a regular basis. If the nappy is wet it can sometimes lead to a rash developing on your skin. It can be difficult to gauge whether a nappy is wet, especially when some brands of nappy absorb moisture well and you won’t be able to tell unless the item is soaked. The wetness will not always bother your baby, and may not even show any signs that they are uncomfortable. Instead you should check for any wetness every few hours with a clean finger. There are a wide range of disposable nappies on the market which include a wetness indicator – ideal for spotting the problem early. A line will change color when the nappy is wet, alerting you that it’s time for a change.

 If you are breastfeeding your baby, your baby will soil their diaper frequently. Try to change it as soon as they make a diaper because leaving poop on their bum can easily cause a diaper rash.

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