Lifestyle Magazine

Signs Your Date is Not Worth Seeing Again

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife
Signs Your Date is Not Worth Seeing Again

Pexels – CCO License

In an ideal world, you’d head into that all-important first date, fall head over heels in love with them at first glance, and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, life is rarely like your favorite romantic comedy, and it doesn’t often work out like that in the real world of dating.

If you are serious about finding love and you don’t want to waste any time, then you should get really good at identifying when those first dates are going nowhere. This way, you can move on and try finding a connection with someone else.

This can be tricky, but if you spot any of these tell-tale signs, it is much easier to identify that a date is not worth seeing again:

You have different expectations

If they’re looking for a causal fling but you’re looking for the real thing, then why bother wasting time? You won’t be able to change them or vice versa and neither of you will be happy, so best to call it quits as soon as possible.

They’re late

If your date is late and they are unapologetic about it, then it could be a clear sign that they are not invested in making a good impression. Hear them out, but if it feels like an excuse or they don’t ever say sorry, cut your losses and move on.

Signs Your Date is Not Worth Seeing Again

Pexels – CCO License

There is no connection

It can sometimes be easier to make a connection using services like or on apps like Tinder where talking and getting to know each other is part of the experience, but you should, even on a first date in person, be able to find some mutual interests to talk about and have an easy conversation. If that is not the case, then chances are you are just too different and it might not be worth pursuing things any further.

They don’t pay you enough attention

if they spend most of the date looking around the bar checking other people out or checking their phone regularly, it could indicate that they are not that into you and they are looking to see what other options they have. This can be very hurtful, but at least you know that things are going nowhere and you can move on without any regret.

They mention their ex

If they mention their ex once or twice, okay, you can probably give them a pass, but if they talk about their ex all the time, then it is a clear indicator that they are not over them, and starting a new relationship with them would be pretty pointless for you at this time. Maybe later, but for now, it’s a no.

Spot these signs? Think carefully before committing to another date because it could be a big disaster, and with a person who is not really suitable and/or interested in you.

Thank you for reading!

Signs Your Date is Not Worth Seeing Again

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