
Signalis Blank Key Puzzle Solution

Posted on the 10 November 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 10 November, 2022

Signalis Blank Key Puzzle Solution – A guide to solve the Blank Key Puzzle – Find everything, define and print pattern

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Video Guide – Define Pattern

Perhaps the easiest thing is to watch a video how to complete the puzzle. Although of course we leave you all the explanations in the next section. But if you want to go easy, start with this video guide from Mista FiOth

If after watching the video you want more information to understand the logic of the puzzle, continue reading in the next section

Signalis Blank Key Puzzle Solution

Signalis’ five-key door requires the Blank Key, which is found in the Flooded Store Room under the Hospital. To solve this problem, you must first reach there and obtain the pattern.

To begin, proceed to the main corridor east of the elevator chamber. Proceed south and through the west-facing entrance. You’ll find yourself in a fresh corridor with a Replika strolling about. Enter the Protektor Bathroom through the door across from the Waiting Room and take the Pump Room Key from the dead Replika.

Return to the passage and enter the Pump Room through the lower east entrance. Pump controls will be located on the north wall. To reduce the water level in the flooded area of the bathroom, the levels in the A and B tanks must equal, and the C tank must be empty. The switches below each allow you to fill the tank after it with water. To solve the puzzle, combine A (up), B (down), C (up), B (down), A (down), B (down), and C. (up). This will allow the flooded regions to drain.

Return to the bathroom and descend to the lowest level to obtain the Water Key. Exit the chamber and go down another corridor with another Replika. Enter the Flooded Store Room through the lower east entrance and take the Blank Key. Enter the door opposite the storage to reach a ladder leading back to the Hospital level.

Return to the main corridor and enter via the top east door to reach a hallway. To access the X-Ray Room, enter through the center north door. Using the X-Ray, scroll to the D item and activate the X-Ray imaging. It will display a key trapped in an item with a pattern on it, but make sure the key’s darker corner is at the lower right. Take note of the pattern (screenshots are really helpful) and return to the main corridor.

To find a Key Printing Machine, go through the north entrance and past the Save room. Insert the Blank Key into the slot, then go to the display and press the “Define Pattern” button. Begin by recreating the X-Ray pattern using the top left node. Then, click “Print Pattern,” and you’ll have a fully functional Blank Key.

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