I will be teaching a one-day class in the UCLA Extension Writer's Program during Winter Quarter. The class is on Saturday, March 1st and will be held from 10:00 to 3:00 on the UCLA campus, in Los Angeles. Look for information about registration in the UCLA Extension catalog (listed under Writing for the Youth Market.) Enroll at www.uclaextension.edu or 310-825-9971. Hope to see you there!
Here's a description of the course:
Fiction or Nonfiction: What's Best for Your Story? Shaping your idea and turning it into a book just right for your intended audience involves many choices. This workshop covers both fiction and nonfiction techniques and how to use them to create a book for children that is both fun and informative--just right for the child and just right for you. From picture books to chapter books, you will learn how to develop an idea into a framework for a book or article, choose a point of view, write lively prose, and conduct research. Special attention will be paid to organizing material; selling your story to trade, school, library, and magazine markets; and editing your work.