Food & Drink Magazine

Sick Puppy

By Richard Randall @aude11360

Barley our Lurcher has had an upset tummy, on and off for the past week.
We have tried several things to help Barley back to his usual good health, but by this morning it was obvious it wasn’t going to clear up by itself, so we took him to the vets (Value Vets, 31 Church St, Seaham, County Durham SR7 7HQ Phone: 0191 581 3475 ).
After the vet examined Barley we left the surgery with a 6 day course of antibiotics, and rehydration sachet for him, and now he is on a very plain diet for the next week.
He is also going to continue wearing a muzzle during his walks, because he in very enthusiastic about scavenging and eating anything and everything that takes his fancy.
Poor critter, but at least he does not appear to feel unwell, thankfully he still has a healthy appetite and is full of energy.

Blog post by Richard Randall

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