Fashion Magazine

Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You

By Wardrobeoxygen
Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You

Time flies when you're having fun, and I can't believe that a decade has passed since I started Wardrobe Oxygen. Gosh what a blast it has been! While this blog originally had a different title, different voice, and my personal style was on a completely different URL, the mission has remained the same - to help my fellow women understand fashion, achieve personal style, and realize how utterly gorgeous of a person they are.

Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You

And gorgeous you are. Writing this I am tearing up over the amazing emails, comments, relationships and friendships with you over the years. I'm honored that so many of you have shared your lives with me, and joined me on this journey at Wardrobe Oxygen. I feel the love, and in honor of Valentine's Month I want to show you the love in return.

Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You

So this February I have partnered with some of my favorite brands to offer awesome giveaways to you. These are designers, retailers, and some I now consider friends who offer great style and great quality. I won't be promoting these giveaways on social media, just here and Wardrobe Oxygen on Facebook to make it more likely that regular readers of Wardrobe Oxygen win the giveaways. I know some of you hate giveaways so know that there will still be great content between such posts (and some days may have more than one post to balance the giveaways).

Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You

And I'm hosting one giveaway myself. One Wardrobe Oxygen winner will receive a prize handpicked by me of some of my most favorite beauty products (see below some of the things that will be in it), many you have seen me review on the blog. To enter, leave a comment on this post sharing a Wardrobe Oxygen memory. Maybe it's a post that you loved (or hated!), email conversation we had, how you found this site, whatever you like. Winner will be chosen at random, but only from legit comments (sorry "love your site, cute dress XOXO" and "I like your blog, come visit?" comments are not valid entries). Winner will be chosen on Valentine's Day and the prize will be mailed out the next week so you receive it before the end of the month.

Showing the Love: Ten Years of Wardrobe Oxygen and You
I can't thank you enough for your support all these years and look forward to many more great years of Wardrobe Oxygen with you! Giveaway details: Since there are regulations on what I can shop internationally, if you are an international reader and win your gift may contain different items. But yes, this is open to all readers across the globe. Winner must have a valid email address used when commenting (either in your Disqus profile or entered when you signed in to comment as a guest). Winner will be chosen by random and contacted by email. If there is no response within two business days, a second random winner will be chosen.

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