Okay, this is a tough one.
I have always (since the kids started walking on their own) told the kids that when they hit 18, they’re out. They need to have a job, be in college or living with someone else, but they are out. Harsh? Maybe. I said this to them with the idea that it would prepare them to move on and become independent when they graduated high school. But, I mean who hasn’t been cleaning up their teens room or doing their God awful smelly sports clothes laundry and thought, “I can’t wait till they are on their own and I don’t have to smell this anymore”. I know the kids would say, “mom, you don’t have to do it. It’s not bothering me”. Seriously?
Then I envision them actually living on their own. Their tiny apartment strewed with clutter, trash and smelly laundry with flies buzzing around. The neighbors calling the police because they think someone might be dead in there. Nope. Just dirty dishes and trash that never gets taken out. Then the landlord kicks the kids out and they COME BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’m crying just writing this).
You feel me? You parents with small children may not be there yet. Just wait. When they become teens, you start to have dark thoughts of sending your kids to military school. But they are really pricey. (Someone told me that, it’s not like I actually googled it). Ok. Yes I may have googled one or two.
But Margarita Girl, I thought you loved your kids? Calm down, I do love them. And yes if one or both of them needed to come home for a short period of time, I would let them. (Please Dear God, let this be the one blog post of mine they DON’T read!) But only for a short period of time. And they have to sign a contract that they will keep their room/bathroom clean and do their own laundry and actually put it away out of sight! Oh and they are gonna pay rent. I know, big talk from a mom who cries at the thought of her youngest graduating from high school this coming year and the other graduating from college too!
Let me also make this part clear. If my kids move out, do well in life, have my grandkids and still visit me on occasion, I will gladly let them take care of me when I’m old. I won’t take up much room, I will do my own laundry and clean my own space. I’ll even babysit the grandkids for free. I think that’s a fair deal. Don’t you?
So reader friends, what are your thoughts on letting them come back home?