Fashion Magazine

Should You Get Gel Nails?

By Covethercloset @covethercloset

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I go with my aunt and cousin about every other month or so and we get manicures and pedicures.  It is definitely one of the highlights of my fleeting amounts of free time.  I’ve gotten the gel manicure a few times and I am still unsure of how I feel about it.  The pros are:

  • your nails look amazing and perfect in that artificial nail way, but they are not so gaudy, just a shiny covering over your real nails.
  • it lasts so long compared to a normal manicure, especially if you are washing your hands all the time.  A manicure isn’t worth it if it only lasts a day or two.
  • your nails look like pure perfection

However, after some research, I found some items that are somewhat concerning.  I knew  about them vaguely, but seeing them in print made me a little more weary.  Dr. Susan Taylor pretty much sums up the rest of my feelings in her article here.

I suppose its worth weighing the risks and the benefits.  You only live once.  You might as well have fabulously perfect nails, right?

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