Lifestyle Magazine

Should Humans Hibernate?

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a busy week of Christmas shopping, Christmas concerts, writing, and working. It feels good to sit down and catch my breath. I love the Christmas season, but it does wear me out.

Should Humans Hibernate?

Photo by Hindrik S on Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-SA

One day while I was standing in one of the many lines waiting to check out, my mind began to wander and this question floated to the surface of my brain: Are humans supposed to hibernate?

As I slowly moved forward, the wheels in my brain started to turn. I don’t know about you but when winter hits, it’s harder for me to get up in the morning and I want to go to bed earlier at night.

Should Humans Hibernate?

Photo on Visual hunt

This increased need for sleep has me thinking that us humans may be fighting our natural instinct to hibernate in the winter like so many animals do. Not only animals but plants, too. Many of them become dormant in the winter and start growing again in the spring.

It makes me wonder if the world would be a better place if we all just slowed down and took a long winter’s nap. Maybe that’s the natural order of things, and we’re going against the grain. That’s why everyone’s so grumpy. It’s possible, don’t you think?

Should Humans Hibernate?

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 A winter’s nap would cure many things. For example, road rage. If we hibernate in the winter everyone would be getting enough sleep. People would be less likely to fly off the handle when they’re on the road.

It would be the cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder. This disorder is a form of depression that’s triggered by the changing seasons. Mainly winter. Maybe we’re getting depressed because we’re supposed to be sleeping during this time instead of slogging around in the slush and snow.

I wonder how it would affect our economy if we were to sleep during the long winter months. I know my first thought is it would hurt us. It makes sense if we weren’t producing we wouldn’t have any product to sell, but on closer inspection I think it would actually help us.

Should Humans Hibernate?

Photo on Visual hunt

Why? Because we’d have to work with our competitors. After all, every continent experiences winter at a different time. While one is sleeping the other could be going into high production mode and produce goods and services for the one continent that’s in hibernation mode.

We’d have to communicate and rely on our fellow earth dwellers. We’d have to cooperate, eliminating competition. Global cooperation. Now that’s a goal worth striving for, don’t you think?

Should Humans Hibernate?

Photo on Visual Hunt

I know what you’re thinking, what about those countries that don’t have winter? It’s true some don’t have quite as dramatic changes in season as others, but they all experience times when days are shorter than others. So, they are affected as well, just not to the same degree as other continents. So, it could still work.

Hibernation. Maybe those wild woodland animals are on to something. Could it really be that simple?

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. What do you think? Could hibernation be the answer to our global unrest? Leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

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