Society Magazine

Shoreham Air Crash, Pics and Video

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
News today is of a terrible crash of a plane participating in an air show...that crashed on the highway adjacent to the field, killing commuters.
Dramatic video has emerged showing a plane as it crashed during an airshow in southern England. The footage shows the aircraft hitting a road, striking a number of vehicles, as it explodes into flames. The number of casualties is still unclear.

Published on Aug 22, 2015. A Hawker Hunter plane has crashed at Shoreham Airshow in West Sussex.
It is now known that at least 7 people were killed in the crash.
Ian Fowler ‏@ian_wfc posted this on Twitter--
Shoreham Air Crash, pics and video
My heart goes to the families of the pilot and 7 unaware passersby who were killed. I cannot imagine worse news than the family at home receiving a call that a loved one has died tragically.
Wait, yes I can.
If they didn't know Jesus. That is worse.
Our days are numbered, there are only so many of them that the Lord has ordained, (Psalm 39:4), and then we go to our eternal destination, heaven or hell.
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. (James 4:14)
That sudden tragedy tells us is that it can happen any time, in any manner, to anyone.
In the immediate aftermath of America's most recent tragedy, 9/11, John MacArthur preached this:
I'm going to give you one last reason and this is the real reason we need to understand. Theological reason...why did it happen? Why did all those people die? I'll tell you why, because the wages of sin is death. That's why, because it's appointed unto men once to...what?...die. I don't know how else to say it. Nothing happened to those people on Tuesday that wasn't going to happen anyway. They were all going to die, just not then, they thought. Nothing extraordinary about people dying. Are you ready for this? Since Tuesday 50 thousand Americans have died...since Tuesday. Have you been concerned? Fifty thousand. This year, 2.5 million will die. And eventually everybody will die, that's reality. We feel much more comfortable when they die one by one.
We all have an eternal destination, please consider what it takes to not go to your default place forever: hell. Because we are sinners from birth and we sin against a holy God, He will not allow us into His heaven. We need to be declared righteous and that can only happen if we enter through the only Righteous One, Jesus Christ. If you repent of your sins and  submit to Jesus, you will please God and He will declare your sins forgotten and forgiven. Otherwise...
and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)

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