Yesterday, I decided to give it a try: Shoot some detailed food shots with the iPhone and see what can the results be.
Grabbing my iPhone 4S, all I did is throw the items on the table, make sure I have a good lighting and start shooting: The results were simply awesome!
Its simple:
- Make sure you have a good light source, the simpler is working next to the window.
- Get any white reflective surface and use it to remove shadows and create more artificial lighting in the spots you choose
- Create a nice setup, simple and natural, with backgrounds that will give some texture to your shots.
- Keep it cool, too much adjustments will spoil the natural feel.
- Activate the grid in your camere settings for better framing.
- Grab your phone with two hands, position them on the table and make sure you do not move a single millimeter while shooting. It’s crucial to have a support for your shoulders.
- Give your image a depth of field by shooting the lowest possible. Images are way better with a first object showing in front and the rest a bit out of focus in the back.
- Use any software you like to slightly fine tune the colours.
- Try Instagram, it has very nice easy features that improve the look of your images.
- Enjoy your creative work.
Check out the results, grab your phone and start shooting. Will show you more pitures with the iPhone5 soon.
Morning strawberry Margarita
Cutting board
PS: All the pictures have been taken with the iPhone 4S and downloaded directly from the phone to the website. No Photoshop retouching has been made.
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