Fashion Magazine

Shoot Across the Sky

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
So half term is coming to an end, sigh. I was so in need of a week off - bigger classes, UCAS deadlines and the progression to full time well and truly knackered me out! Although I had quite a lot of work to do over the 'break' I also was able to catch up with friends, get some shopping in and go out for lots (and I mean lots!) of meals!
shoot across the sky

1. Out in London for a 60th birthday 2. Cocktails at The Living Room 3. I finally gave in and bought Moroccanoil
4. Prawn pasta - recipe to come 5. Slutty brownies (post here) 6. Halloween outfit!

shoot across the sky
Day in London - 1. Bought this jumper from Mango, outfit post to come 2. Meeting Danni from Steve Madden and trying on some of their gorgeous shoes 3. My favourites - Intrude pointed courts! 4. Went out for sushi with Mel in Covent Garden
5. New coat from Zara - it's a beauty!

shoot across the sky
1. Offering baby William to the T-Rex 2. Me and my gorgeous nephew (my off duty look...!) 3. More sushi on Saturday night 4. Tilly says stop working Lizzie! 5. Breaded Halloumi 6. What I wore out on Saturday nightI've spent the weekend at my parents' house dog sitting as they're on holiday in Spain at the moment... unfortunately they've not had much of a holiday as my Mum was taken to hospital a few hours after landing. She'e been in hospital all week, but luckily is on the mend and we're keeping everything crossed that she can fly home asap. My Dad also turned 60 when they were out there but obviously didn't get much of a chance to celebrate (or commiserate?!), poor fella! If parents are this much of a worry, I'm never having children....!Back to the flat now, and back to work tomorrow. Sigh...

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