Religion Magazine

Shomronim to Begin Pesach Celebration Tonight

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The High Priest, or Kohen Gado, of the Shomron community, died last week at the age of 87. Their announcement points out that Aharon Ben Av Chisda, the kohen gadol, died 5 days before their holiday of Pesach, which starts today, 23/04/2013. This evening they will be slaughtering their korbanot pesach, an event that annually becomes a relatively significant tourist attraction, understandably.

Shomronim to begin Pesach celebration tonight

photo credit to The Muqata

I wonder why they are allowed to slaughter their sacrifices every year with no government intervention, no need to appeal to the courts, no veterinary services stepping in to block the event, and all that, while when regular Jews want to sacrifice a korban, or even just perform an educational demonstration of the korban pesach, they to get banned by the government, the veterinary services, etc. and they have to go through special appeals to get the event allowed?
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