Fashion Magazine

Shipping Out to…Wrentham

By Astylizedhysteria

Since I moved, I’ve been totally focused on unpacking, cleaning, and figuring out how to take the apartment from bachelor pad to…anything other than bachelor pad. I took a break this past Sunday for a special shopping trip to Wrentham Village Outlets with Lei Ann, Sami, Kara, and Kristen. I hadn’t been there in a while, but I remember finding great deals when I had gone in years past. Let me just say…it’s totally worth the trip!

Shipping Out to…Wrentham

 (Photo taken by Lei Ann)

After a yummy brunch at OAK Long Bar & Kitchen in the Fairmont Copley (the french toast rocked my world), we headed out Wrentham and were treated to a quick tour and learned about the stores that had recently opened, like Max Studio, and stores that had been there for a while and I’d totally been missing out on, like Joe’s Jeans.

Need jeans in every color of the rainbow? They’ve got you covered. I left with a pair of skinny jeans in a perfect grey-tinged wash and a cropped sweater and I seriously love both and plan to spend all weekend in this outfit.

joes jeans

My favorite find of the day? This VPL dress at Off Saks. I’m a huge fan of the brand and this is my first piece from them. And trust me, the price was right!



Thank you to Fairmont Copley, Wrentham Outlets, and Kortenhaus Communications for putting together this awesome shopping trip!


**I was given gift cards by Joe’s Jeans and Wrentham Outlets, but content and opinions are my own, yadda, yadda, yadda**


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